At five years of age, my nephew Rick is one of the most intelligent, thoughtful and senstive kid around. He is an ardent fan of Tintin, though he can not read properly yet, and enjoys the graphics more . On his 5th birthday, I gifted him a CD of Tintin's Red Rackham's Treasures. He got very excited, then brought out the book version of the same from his collection. Then he seriously compared the details of the book and the CD, including the graphics, and thoughtfully declared "we will have to rotate the computer monitor to view the CD." - no wonder, he had compared between the portrait format of a book to the landscape format of the monitor!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After dinner on Rick's 7 years sister Srijani's birthday, I was giving her a warm hug and telling her that she should study properly, be a good girl and listen to whatever mother says. Rick awaited his turn for the special cuddle excitedly, and finally jumped on my lap as soon as sister's turn was over. I cuddled him for some times and then said "OK, you be a good boy too". He looked up at me and asked" Shouldn't I study well too? " :):)
Rick's World
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