A few days back, I finally updated our website http://www.auroramedia.in . Earlier it was a flash website, but this time we decided to make a full XHTML/CSS site, with minimal flash, and made sure both the XHTML and the CSS passed the w3c validation. In fact, I was quite happy to be able to put up the w3c validation icons on my pages.The color and design of the site was decided by me, which my partner in general approved.We had an unanimous decision of using the sunflower as our emblem/mascot, as both of us feel a sunflower emanates happiness, warmth and the brightness of the sun. We wished to be far away from the corporate blues and grays and not for a moment wished to have the dumb blond girls and men in black suits [found on umpteen sites related to web design and web hosting ] on our site to prove we were into web design:) We wanted the prospective client to feel cheerful while being confident of our capabilities while visiting our site. So we chose a warm orange, a bright yellow and to complement them, a dash of dark green.My choice of colors was more emphasized by a book on design that I have currently bought from Sitepoint. Orange is supposed to be a less corporate color, more informal, and emanates happiness, enthusiasm and creativity. Yellow is another bright color spreading cheerfulness, happiness and activity [ all smilies are yellow :) ].We thought our site was looking great :) [we still think so ], till we submitted the site for review at a design website named designsnack. The first comment we got said the colours were too blaring and it was a poor color schem. Then came a negative comment which said the first comment was right !! And till date we have got only negative votes, which have made me upset quite a bit, and have made me start browsing the net for ideas about color schemes and related ideas.I found a blog page which has defined the colors of Web 2.0 , which lists one particular orange, which they term as RSS Orange.All other colors in the list turned out to be the theme colors of popular sites of 2007 [I am not sure if all those sites ranked highest in popularity in 2007 ], but the names go like this- Flickr Pink, Digg Blue, Mozilla Blue, Techcrunch Green...There are 22 colors in the list [ http://www.modernlifeisrubbish.co.uk/article/web-2.0-colour-palette ], which made me start wondering about sites that didn't use those colors....Out of possible 65 million colors, if only 22 appears to be part of a year's palette, then where would the other colors go?? What about those sites that do not use these colors?What about my site ?:)....oh oh...it is NOT web 2.0!!....I am done with!!
Web Design Blues
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